• Reduced cost throughout the application life-cycle
• Reduced development time for new applications
• Improved application quality
• Increased return on technology investments
• Rapid inclusion of emerging technology benefits into their existing systems
The risks identified so far include the unpredictable acceptance of modelling by system configurators and engineers.
The work is on the non-standardised and unavailable modelling profiles of the network elements in the telco industry. This is where people come in.
I need them to become domain experts and create and manage the fusion of these element in a modelling project that enables the PSM, PIM and CIM to be bindered into a platform.
Computation Independent Model (CIM)
• e.g. the business process models of the operator environment
Platform Independent Model (PIM)
• e.g., system structure models (class models mainly) for the operator business
Platform Specific Model (PSM).
• e.g., class models tailored to a specific network element to allow the configuration, monitoring and CDW functions.
These abstractions are formalised and implement-able here, I have the confidence to take it elsewhere where these benefits will increase a clients competitiveness and market durability.
Its the lack of these systems (simple checks and balances) that cause frustrations to end-customers because the operators are not reliable or capable of deploying new services without taking down the whole network, albeit teliasonera, vodafone and orange remain the few companies that have these processes in check, installed and functional: and continuing to re-engineer them for perfection.
Further more this technology when correctly sliced can fit into horizontals like Testing -> Banking, Marketing, Operations - anywhere Transaction Processing holds value.
OJ OptimalJ Compuware
AS Arcstyler Interactive Objects
CT Constructor Dot Net Builders
CA Codagen Architect Codagen
OG Objecteering Objecteering Software [SOFTEAM]
AM Ameos Aonix
TA Together Architect Borland [Inprise]
XM XMF Mosaic Open source
JD Jamda Open source
PT PathMate IBM
NB NetBeans NetBeans & Sun Microsystems
RX Rational XDE Developer IBM
EMF Eclipse Modelling Framework IBM
WS Websphere IBM
Aris Aris Toolset IDS Scheer
Only a minority support CIM, and this is often somewhat limited.
PIM to PSMtransformations are common, moving from CIM to PIM is often far from trivial (requires a paradigm shift)
At least two classes of stakeholders, customers (and associated customer representatives) and business analysts are not catered for.
I want to be facilitating requirements, of moving from domain and business models, to software/system specification and design for execution, configuration, data entry, storage, retrieval and further processing in areas like SaaS/DW/Forecasts/Simulations and trend analysis.