Here are my views, recaptured on the blog for the benefit of the others who need to hear it from me :-) (lol)
It started from here,;
Interesting post and although I have not read the analysis I would already like to damn your view of the lack of popularity of modelling :-¤
If you are not modelling what are you documenting? Just your code? Have you heard of companies doing MDA and BPM? Have you heard how the coder is becoming extinct? Maybe that is what you should have actually stated as getting less popular; coders. I am seeing (or foreseeing) that this market is becoming (going to become) very thin. I expected the "swift" change back in 2003/4 when audacious tools like the BEA Workshop made it on the scene; but due to the poor relationship of standard modelling language to the BEA suite at that time; the buy-in was very low; BEA was not thinking (liquid....excuse the pun).
Today, just have a look at Kabira, Telelogic, even IBM! Then think TIBCO-->BPM. Put them all into OMG (Object Management Group not Oh-My-God!) and then see UML-RT and similar; where is the world going to? Are you ready to meet the analysis demands of the future? Are you ready to answer why a code should take you your estimated number of lines versus the specification of the MDA engine? Maybe that is why IBM would like to make a move for Telelogic; maybe someone saw the implementation base, the technology significance and the payback.
Sorry if I sound like I am lashing out, but I really feel this everyday.
Now, I have read the analysis and that was even funnier! But I have the same to say to that as well; this is genius and if this is approved I bet you coders should find it in their hearts to join the next UML/OOD course they see!
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- Leslie Asamoa
- I re-present my-self a growing brand in the Lifespace of a young and energetic entrepreneur who with 25 years of growing interest in Life and Technology has established commercial experience and expertise across Europe to Asia through Africa.